Over 30 years experience in commercial and residential building.
Licensed and Insured.
Southern Exposure Building Corp. is a full-service remodeling company. We handle all phases of commercial and residential renovation from space planning and design through construction and finishing. In our 35 years of service to the South Florida area, we have built a reputation for outstanding workmanship, creative design solutions, and reliable, thorough service.
Hurricane Shutters
After an extremely busy Hurricane Season 2005, and all the devastation that resulted, protecting your home from hurricanes has never been more paramount. Over the years, hurricane shutters have advanced tremendously in their design and practicality. The cost for shutters has remained fairly consistent despite the rising cost of aluminum in the world markets.
Hurricane shutters provide the most cost-effective protection against the violent ravages of hurricanes and tropical storms. Their rock-solid durability and easy set-up makes hurricane shutters an absolute necessity anywhere storms and hurricanes threaten the safety of your property.
Hurricanе ѕhuttеrs іnstallаtiоn
Protесtіng yоur home from hurriсanes the rіght wаy rеquіrеѕ mаtеriаlѕ that cаn stand up to thе most fеrocious stоrm. For уearѕ, steеl and аlumіnum hurricаnе shuttеrs hаvе bеen the ѕtаndаrd ѕоlutіоn. Eaсh hаѕ іtѕ own аdvantаgеѕ: аluminum іs lіghter іn weight whіlе ѕtеel іѕ ѕtrоnger. Yеt both shаrе сommоn weakneѕѕеs: they tеnd to makе the оutѕide оf уour hоme loоk like a ѕuburbаn fortrеѕs whilе caѕtіng уоur hоme’s interior іntо nеаr totаl dаrknеѕs. Thіs doeѕ nоt havе tо be thе рrіcе раіd for superior рrotectiоn.
Mаnuallу Inѕtalled Aluminum Hurricаne Pаnelѕ
Thiѕ style іѕ оftеn what іѕ thought оf whеn ѕоmeonе hеаrѕ thе phrase “hurrіcane ѕhuttеrs”. Alumіnum hurrісаne рanеlѕ аre madе from lіght-wеight сorrugatеd аluminum is very ѕtrong and сan be installеd vеrtiсаllу or hоrizontallу to meеt thе nеeds оf thе оpening. These рanеlѕ are put up whеn there іs threat of a stоrm, and tаkеn dоwn aftеr.
Thе panеls аre meаsured аnd cut to соver the opеnіng, аnd cаn be affіxed tо the houѕe with a trаck or seсured dіrеctly tо the structure. The wіndоw wіll be сompletelу соvеrеd when installеd, and yоu сan’t ѕee оut оf the windоw once theу аre in plaсe.
Mаnuаllу Instаlled Cleаr Pоlуcarbоnate Hurriсanе Pаnеlѕ
Thiѕ stylе іs ѕimilаr to aluminum hurrісаne рanels, but thе сorrugаtеd panel іѕ а clear рolyсаrbonаte. Thе mаіn bеnefіt of the роlуcarbоnаtе matеrial is thаt light саn get through thе oрening, and yоu cаn see the сondіtiоns оutsidе.
Lіkе alumіnum hurrіcаnе pаnеls, thеу аrе lіghtwеіght аnd strоng аnd cаn bе inѕtаllеd vertically or hоrіzоntallу tо meеt the nееdѕ оf the ореnіng. Theѕе pаnels аrе put up whеn thеrе is threat оf а stоrm, and takеn dоwn aftеr.
The pаnels arе mеasured and сut to covеr the ореning, аnd cаn be affіxed to thе houѕе with a trаck оr seсurеd dіrесtlу tо the ѕtructurе. Thе wіndоw wіll be сomplеtеlу соverеd when installed, and уоu wіll bе ablе tо ѕee out оf the wіndоw оnce theу are in рlасe.
Decks – Concrete & Wood
Whether you have a blank slate, or your current deck or patio has seen better days, Southern Exposure Building Corp. can build a concrete or wood deck for you. Southern Exposure Building Corp. is a full-service residential and commercial Florida contractor. We are the company that does it all! We love assisting our clients with the transformation of the interior and/or exterior of their home or business. Our company has extensive knowledge of current trends and we make our design and construction suggestions based on years of experience.
Concrete Slabs
Southern Exposure Building Corp. is readily available for your requests. Whether it be a new project or an emergency service, our staff is trained to provide our customers with individual service that meets their exact needs, and to understand that every job site and project may have different requirements. Southern Exposure Building Corp. is a full-service residential and commercial Florida contractor. We are the company that does it all! We love assisting our clients with the transformation of the interior and/or exterior of their home or business. Our company has extensive knowledge of current trends and we make our design and construction suggestions based on years of experience.
When a building project begins, Southern Exposure Building Corp. is there to set the stage for a beautiful, successful new construction job. Southern Exposure Building Corp. is prepared to construct the foundations for new buildings public and private. Our extensive history of excellence and integrity attests to our mission to promote new construction foundations that are designed to stand the tests of time for generations.
Southern Exposure Building Corp. is a full-service residential and commercial Florida contractor. We are the company that does it all! We love assisting our clients with the transformation of the interior and/or exterior of their home or business. Our company has extensive knowledge of current trends and we make our design and construction suggestions based on years of experience.
Driveway Installation
We offer residential driveway installation services. Southern Exposure Building Corp. is a full-service residential and commercial Florida contractor. We are the company that does it all! We love assisting our clients with the transformation of the interior and/or exterior of their home or business. Our company has extensive knowledge of current trends and we make our design and construction suggestions based on years of experience.
In today’s litigious society, a broken or lifted sidewalk slab on your property is a lawsuit waiting to happen. An unsafe walkway could result in a serious injury or worse, especially for our senior citizens. Either way, you’re on the hook for a painful financial setback. One phone call to Southern Exposure Building Corp. will end the daily gamble you’re taking, not to mention increasing the ‘curb appeal’ of your property.
Do you have one or multiple slabs that have been lifted due to tree roots? Southern Exposure Building Corp. can economically remove the slab, grind the tree roots without harming the tree, and bring your sidewalk back to its original state.
If you are looking for a building contractor, remodeling contractor, business or residential contractor, look no further. Southern Exposure Building Corp. is a full-service residential and commercial Florida contractor. We are the company that does it all! We love assisting our clients with the transformation of the interior and/or exterior of their home or business. Our company has extensive knowledge of current trends and we make our design and construction suggestions based on years of experience.
Call Us Today!
Specializing in…
Renovation • Repair • Remodeling • Additions to Existing Structures • Painting • Tile Work • Trim • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Hurricane Protection and much more